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Church Ministry

Cursos etiquetado con "Church Ministry"
Acceso de invitados
Imagen del curso A Woman's Journey of Grace
Categoría del curso
Texto del resumen del curso:
This area of study is designed to provide assistance to those women who would like to start a ...
Acceso de invitados
Imagen del curso Church Board Transformation
Categoría del curso
Texto del resumen del curso:

Written by Mark Davy and Dr. Jerry Storz, the free content was designed to help board members...

Acceso de invitados
Imagen del curso Children's Ministry
Categoría del curso
Texto del resumen del curso:

The courses for this area of focus will help you gain insight into best practices for ...

Acceso de invitados
Imagen del curso Spark: Being and Making Disciples in Small Groups
Categoría del curso
Texto del resumen del curso:

In this course, Rev. Michael Downs shares principles and methodologies for small-group...
Acceso de invitados
Imagen del curso The Bible Speaks to Me About My Witness
Categoría del curso
Texto del resumen del curso:

Written by Dr. Chic Shaver, the course is designed to help individuals learn the basic principles...
Acceso de invitados
Imagen del curso Youth Ministry Academy
Categoría del curso
Texto del resumen del curso:

The courses for this area of focus will help you gain insight into best practices for youth ...

Imagen del curso Webinar: Punishment and Discipline: What Are the Differences by Jayme Lenker
Categoría del curso
Texto del resumen del curso:

Am I enabling or empowering the children around me? What is the difference between praise and ...

Acceso de invitados
Imagen del curso Webinar: Raising Disciples, Building Confidence: A Roadmap for Parenting with Purpose!
Categoría del curso
Texto del resumen del curso:
This webinar is for parents seeking to instill confidence in God through the Scriptures. Imagine ...
Imagen del curso Webinar: Sibling and Classroom Rivalry by Jayme Lenker
Categoría del curso
Texto del resumen del curso:

How does birth order affect rivalry? Communicating effectively is not easy, but understanding ...

Acceso de invitados
Imagen del curso Webinar: Starting or Expanding an Effective Marriage Ministry
Categoría del curso
Texto del resumen del curso:
Participants will learn why every church needs a viable and effective marriage ministry and how ...
Acceso de invitados
Imagen del curso Webinar: The Nuts & Bolts of Worship in the Local Church
Categoría del curso
Texto del resumen del curso:

Every week, local congregations intentionally gather for corporate worship. Therefore, the ...

Imagen del curso Webinar: What is Your Parenting Style by Rev. Jayme Lenker
Categoría del curso
Texto del resumen del curso:

This session will discuss the importance of practicing a consistent model of being both kind ...

Intereses del usuario etiquetado con "Church Ministry"
  • KRKerry Robinson
  • DDDouglas Davenport
  • SPSherome Pringle Stewart