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Marriage and Family

Courses tagged with "Marriage and Family"
Guest access
Course image Webinar: A Misbehaving Child is a Discouraged Child
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What is the belief behind the behavior of a child, and do you have the tools necessary to ...
Course image Webinar: Family or Classroom Meetings by Jayme Lenker
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Do you have effective agendas and avenues to hear the voices of all parties involved in family ...

Course image Webinar: Parents, Kids, and Porn: The Conversation by Jasper Hall & Dan Martin
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Conversing with our kids about sex shouldn't be defined by a single, stammering, "talk" when ...

Course image Webinar: Positive Parenting by Jayme Lenker
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A misbehaving child is a discouraged child. There are four ways in which "people" misbehave. Do...

Course image Webinar: Punishment and Discipline: What Are the Differences by Jayme Lenker
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Am I enabling or empowering the children around me? What is the difference between praise and ...

Guest access
Course image Webinar: Raising Disciples, Building Confidence: A Roadmap for Parenting with Purpose!
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This webinar is for parents seeking to instill confidence in God through the Scriptures. Imagine ...
Course image Webinar: Sibling and Classroom Rivalry by Jayme Lenker
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How does birth order affect rivalry? Communicating effectively is not easy, but understanding ...

Guest access
Course image Webinar: Starting or Expanding an Effective Marriage Ministry
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Participants will learn why every church needs a viable and effective marriage ministry and how ...
Course image Webinar: The Conversation by Dan Martin
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This webinar discusses what it means to develop an on-going dialogue about sex with your ...

Course image Webinar: The Foundation by Noel Bouche
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This webinar equip parents with foundational teaching on what the Bible teaches about sex, its ...

Course image Webinar: The Technology by Dan Martin
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This webinar discussed how to develop a technology strategy in your home. Parenting today's ...

Course image Webinar: What is Your Parenting Style by Rev. Jayme Lenker
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This session will discuss the importance of practicing a consistent model of being both kind ...
