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Cursos etiquetado con "Webinars"
Acceso de invitados
Imagen del curso Webinar: A Misbehaving Child is a Discouraged Child
Categoría del curso
Texto del resumen del curso:

What is the belief behind the behavior of a child, and do you have the tools necessary to ...
Acceso de invitados
Imagen del curso Webinar: A Wesleyan Understanding of the Authority of Scripture with Dr. Thomas Noble
Categoría del curso
Texto del resumen del curso:

Beginning with a historical perspective, Dr. Thomas Noble will consider the role given to ...

Acceso de invitados
Imagen del curso Webinar: Anxiety and the Christian Faith by Dr. Janet Dean
Categoría del curso
Texto del resumen del curso:

The risks, conflict, and pressures arising from the global pandemic and political/racial ...

Acceso de invitados
Imagen del curso Webinar: Blessing Our Community
Categoría del curso
Texto del resumen del curso:
The 2024 USA/Canada Region's emphasis in the Cycle of Resurgence is Blessing Our Community. What ...
Imagen del curso Webinar: CARE - Quite Possibly the Ultimate Ministry Opportunity by Charles Puchta
Categoría del curso
Texto del resumen del curso:

The core principles of caring ministry are contrary to human tendencies (e.g., offering advice,...

Imagen del curso Webinar: CARE - The Epitome of God’s Plan for the Church by Charles Puchta
Categoría del curso
Texto del resumen del curso:

Caring, as depicted throughout the Bible, is the basis of God’s plan for growing the church and...

Imagen del curso Webinar: Contextual Clues in Discipleship: Understanding High and Low Context Cultures
Categoría del curso
Texto del resumen del curso:

Culture is like the air we breathe, touching every aspect of our lives. Culture is woven into ...

Imagen del curso Webinar: Creating a Church-wide Discipleship Culture by Rev. Michael Downs
Categoría del curso
Texto del resumen del curso:

In our session, we will talk about modern-day hurdles to discipleship And how the Spark ...

Acceso de invitados
Imagen del curso Webinar: Crossing the Divide: Bridging the Gap Between Online and Off-Line (English)
Categoría del curso
Texto del resumen del curso:
Does technology have a place in our discipling relationships? If so, what does a Christ-centric ...
Imagen del curso Webinar: Digital Cocaine by Brad Huddleston
Categoría del curso
Texto del resumen del curso:

In this webinar, Brad Huddleston will replace your confusion, hesitancy, and fear as it relates...

Acceso de invitados
Imagen del curso Webinar: Disciples, Captivated by Grace
Categoría del curso
Texto del resumen del curso:

The webinar will bring together fundamental and key elements of our walk with Christ. In our time...

Imagen del curso Webinar: Discover the Journey by Rev. Paul Dazet and Rev. Jennifer Coffman
Categoría del curso
Texto del resumen del curso:

In this webinar, Rev. Paul Dazet and Rev. Jennifer Coffman will helps us look at a pathway of ...

Acceso de invitados
Imagen del curso Webinar: Do No Harm: Trauma Informed Ministry
Categoría del curso
Texto del resumen del curso:
There are people who walk into our churches every week who have experienced more trauma in their ...
Imagen del curso Webinar: Effective Teaching Strategies by Dr. Randy Cloud
Categoría del curso
Texto del resumen del curso:

On this webinar Dr. Randy Cloud discusses key principles and essential tools for adult Sunday ...

Acceso de invitados
Imagen del curso Webinar: Exchanging Mental Illness Myths with Sound Christian Care with Dr. Janet Dean
Categoría del curso
Texto del resumen del curso:

We can be quick to offer advice when people are suffering with mental illness. We want to ...

Imagen del curso Webinar: Family or Classroom Meetings by Jayme Lenker
Categoría del curso
Texto del resumen del curso:

Do you have effective agendas and avenues to hear the voices of all parties involved in family ...

Intereses del usuario etiquetado con "Webinars"
  • TTThomas Thompson
  • PCPeter Carter